10 Minute Full Body Workout


We all have crazy busy lives and try to squeeze as many things in as we and more often then not its the time spent on us that we sacrifice.  On this journey to getting healthy we have to try to carve out those precious minutes to work on YOU.  Here is a quick full body workout that is just 10 minutes:IMG_0276

Do the full circuit as many times as you can in 10 minutes.  Don’t forget to set your timer.  You can take a small break between rounds to catch your breath and then get back to it.

10 Minutes – as many rounds as possible (AMRAP):

  • 1 minute skipping
  • 15 squats
  • 10 pushups
  • 5 burpees
As a self motivating challenge keep track of how many rounds you got done in the 10 minutes and see if you can do more the next time.  It’s a quick 10 minutes so make sure you give it your all.
This workout was designed for us by my friend and certified trainer – Zehra at http://www.thefitnest.ca