Blast Those Love Handles


Blast Those LOve Handles

Love handles, muffin top, there are many names given to this stubborn area of our body that never seems to go away. It takes both the right nutrition and exercise to chip away at it.

Fitness expert Elisha Rubenstien has designed the following quick workout to help target this dreaded area.

Blast those love handles:

  1. Oblique Dips: Hold your weight in one hand, stand tall, abs in and bend your body to the side holding the weight, then stand straight again. Repeat 12-15 times, then switch weight to the other side and repeat. Chest up, shoulders back works the obliques.
  2.  Russian Twists: Move to the ground, rest on your tailbone, knees bent heels on the ground. Hold your weight with both hands and twist your core from one side to the other side. For a more advance move lift your heels up and balance. Keep your core tight.  Repeat 12-15 times (both sides equals 1)
  3. Lift and Twist: Kneel on your knees, back straight and abs in. Place the weight on the ground next to you on the side. Pick up the weight, twist to the other side with your back straight and abs in, put the weight down, pick up the weight and twist to the other side. Repeat 12-15 times.
  4. Push and Pull: Move to the ground and rest on your tailbone, knees bent and heels off the ground. Balance with your back straight and abs in. Hold your weight in both hands and push the weight forward then pull it back, push the weight to one side and back, to the middle then to the other side.  Repeat 12-15 times.
These can be done using a weight, a weighted plate, a medicine ball or a kettle bell.

Do three rounds of each. Remember to keep your back straight and abs in for optimal results.Elisha shared this workout on CTV Morning Live – Ottawa, click here to see her perform these moves.

Thanks for sharing with us Elisha, love having you on our team!